A co-worker has a situation with an itchy butt this week, but today it was amplified high intensity, maybe because she had a big grackle in her house & couldn't get it out before leaving for work. It was crapping all over her kitchen & the windows, one of her dogs pooped a trail down the hallway, her brother in law also left a swirl crap for her. Here are a few comments heard:
1. "Ohhhhh I itch"(scoot scoot on the chair)
2. "I have my Head On today."
3. "What is wrong with you?" (she is walking & picking). "I have been itching all week."
4. "When I was little I used to eat shoe jelly candies which caused my itchy butt. I don't know what is doing this. Could it be all the cheese I am eating?"
5. "I could use a pipe cleaner to itch myself ohh no may bend, maybe a bottle cleaner would be sturdier."
6. "I gave you Tucks last night. Why don't you go clean?"
7. "May I borrow your Head On?" (another co worker has a headache). She not only applied to her forehead but all over her face. She goes back to her desk for 5 minutes and says, "Holy Crap my face is burning!"
8. "Oh dig dig"
9. "My bird is out now"
9. "Tucks On" "Head On" "Butt On"
10. "I itch, I burn" What about Preparation H?"
11. "I hope I don't grab the wrong one." She is holding a jar of Tucks & a tube of Head On.
12. "I have to do the "Tucks In" right now and clean up."
13. As she comes back, "That was sick, When I was cleaning I found something...yeah I think a 'roid. I wonder how I got that. I have had good poops all week."
14."Owhh I rubbed my eye." Someone said, "Your pink eye?" "Oh no, I hope I don't get one of those". "No your butt!" "You mean you didn't wash your hands after your Tucks cleaning?" "No I am not that gross." "Maybe I got Head On in my eye."