It was a beautiful 58 degree day but the wind gusts were a bit much. Hoping to avoid the gusts, I thought the little valley from Cherry Run - Poe Paddy tunnel - Havice Valley Rd would be safe. This whole area of remote forest, cabins, creeks and mountains had any eerie silence at this time of year. I saw no one not even a car on the forest rd. The tunnel always scare the crapola out of me, because there is an area that you cannot see anything. I had vision of someone scaring me and I would pee my bike shorts. I had to be brave. This did happen one time and I flipped out on the juvenile and the whole valley of summer tourists probably heard me. I did a short climb up Havice Valley Rd and was quite proud of myself. I had to turn around and save Havice Valley for another day because I had to get back for Kelsi pickup and head to the gym. She has decided to join the gym. I really don't know how this is going to work out with getting her from school to the gym and my work. It is hard enough fitting myself in to the schedule of my own life. So if anyone is going from Mbg to Lwbg at 3:15 PM please pick her up! She wants to ride her bike the ten miles but the roads are scary at that time. I was wrong the gusts were blowing from all directions, except the usual north west.

Wonderful Racing Pictures!
by Kevin Dillard
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