Thursday, July 27, 2006

Canine Relapse ~ Vestibular Syndrome

Well yesterday I was bawling of the thought of having the Vet euthanize Sierra. I have made the decision to have the Vet come to the house if it comes to this. My husband did speak to the Vet yesterday about straps and Sleepytime. I am feeling better today since finding Vestibular Syndrome. It says that many dogs are euthanized because of this syndrome's severity and rapid onset I hope I don't insult anyone trying to self diagnose my dog. I will call the office today to see if I can give her anything and what to do. Difficult walking and keeping balance and laying in one spot. Her problems progressed to head tilt, REM eyes, not eating, drunken balance and difficulty eating. I started thinking that it was affecting both legs so it had to be something else besides the fatty tumor. All the symptoms are what she has and one should wait up to 72 hrs before seeing improvement or for testing. This Syndrome can take weeks for recovery - of course if it is just an inflammation of nerves or inner ear and not a brain tumor. She was not eating yesterday, but last evening she was eating and drinking from our hand. In order to go outside, I have a cloth LL Bean log carrier to put under her to guide her scared shaky body outside. I am told that dogs can learn to compensate and lead a normal life. I am praying this is temporary passing geriatric event. I had to sleep downstairs with her because she would somehow attempt(too dangerous) to get upstairs to be with me to sleep. She did get hit in the head by a rock one time by f***ing kids(don't let me get a hold them/probably same ones breaking windows in area & an elderly woman was hurt) in a truck which Sierra ended up in the emergency room - maybe this had some kind of haunting effect.

1 comment:

Karin said...

Vet could not fit her in until Monday. Walked farther about 50 ft this AM which is progress. I will be in touch later today with you.