Everyone has had a strange coincidence at some time in their lifetime. I have had so many lately. that it is errie. As far as I know there is no explanation. I think I should start keeping an area for them, because they fade from our memory bank, despite being absolutely strange and complex. Some are to the point of being more than a random chance when these happen.
Of this day in a brief note:
1. I was on my way to the gym, thinking if anything happened to my knees again I would be devastated and at wits end. Do not take my passions away....While on the BOSU ball, I did something no so out of ordinary - pain and catch. WTF....I had trouble lifting knee out of shower, into my car, sitting on the toilet was excruciating. Crap poo....then all of a sudden it disappeared after 2 hrs. It must have been a floater of some sort. Was this a test of a higher being?
2. K & I were out for a ride & I had mention to her that I told AK to stop by the house if he ever needed, ie flat tire or whatever while out for a ride. Suddenly, looked up and he was riding toward us and shouted a Hello.....Kelsi said who was that and I told her - she said that is weird because we were talking about him. First of all, this individual has crossed my path three times in the last couple of weeks and why-when I have never seen him before. I did come upon his myspace (I think) last year in some search. He rides for Bucknell and I hope he reaches for his dreams through cycling, AK seems like a really nice fella and hope to chat with him again. Are cyclist magnets to each other?
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