Kelsi, Jeremy & I attended the Celtic Fling held at the PA Rennaissance Faire. Our Roby Roy Epee Tournament was cancelled because of the rain. There would be a high risk of electrocution because it was Electric Epee. So we ventured, it is really a neat place with all the vendors. The one that caught my eye every time I went by was The Mud Faery. She had a huge pile of red clay mud and she went to work. She left an impression on me because she was so inspiring. When she was finish she was making all kind of little chirpy, snurtling, suirrling sounds - she was hungry and so cute. Her wings got all muddy as she walked off with her pouch full of donations. A guy went up to her and ask, "Will you come to my house and do this artwork in my front yard?" She guides him to her scroll with the website - http://www.mudfaerywood.com/
Can you imagine? Have a huge party with all your friends, a bonfire, drinks, food, and The Mud Faery doing her sculptures in your yard. Everyone will be fixated on her. Cool!
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