The doctor walked in the room and said, "I hope you don't mind me looking at you but your smile looks just like my younger sister, you really resemble her." I was afraid to tell him he looked like my cousin who is a Podiatrist right down to the nose. Blood who knows, I don't want to know.
I had an Xray and the damage was confirmed. He could see what was wrong right away without ordering an MRI. I have severe Disc Degeneration Disease with prolapse on C2,C3,C4. I need to have an Anterior Cervical Discectomy & Fusion.

I am not ready to have a fused dick neck! I'll have to deal with the neurological problems & pain for a while longer. Wage war with myself - drugs, alchohol & exercise like a "Wild Woman". We discussed - I will wait until I am in intolerable pain because I will lose ROM and this creeps me out. He rattled off a list of sports and things I should not do anymore - I drifted into a foggy tunnel and did not hear about a minute of what he was saying for fear of taking away my escape from body wars. YES, I CAN STILL DO BIKING & FENCING! I think this is because he rides bike himself & had the operation when he was 42. If you take away biking, I think it would be quite catastrophic to my life. This is my escape from pains in my body and things in life. He said when I decide, then he will order an MRI to see what additional problems may be going on besides the initial one above.. My exercise & activities have paid off for me. I do not have to go to physical therapy, because I have strength which is what is preventing muscle loss from this condition and he could tell. He thanked me for working out and maintaining an active lifestyle rather than the sedentary lifestyle of most patients, as we went out the door.