On Wednesday, Chris started his venture up to Central PA loaded to the hilt with everything necessary to run the Wilderness 101. I am still not sure what will be in store for Saturday ~ whatever! Later this afternoon through evening is registration and filling aid station containers. Hug! Ride a little while there and help out.
I am going to get pumped after I have my coffee and nurse my Sierra. No total fall overs last night ~ compensating. Yes, the Vet thinks she has Vestibular Syndrome but needs to see her Monday to give her scripts for motion sickness and prednisone.
I have to remember Bald Eagle maps for the riders from DCNR and some other stuff that keeps leaking from my head.
“Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, champagne in one hand, strawberries in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and screaming ‘WOO-HOO, WHAT A RIDE’.” ~Anonymous~
Friday, July 28, 2006
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Canine Relapse ~ Vestibular Syndrome
Well yesterday I was bawling of the thought of having the Vet euthanize Sierra. I have made the decision to have the Vet come to the house if it comes to this. My husband did speak to the Vet yesterday about straps and Sleepytime. I am feeling better today since finding Vestibular Syndrome. It says that many dogs are euthanized because of this syndrome's severity and rapid onset I hope I don't insult anyone trying to self diagnose my dog. I will call the office today to see if I can give her anything and what to do. Difficult walking and keeping balance and laying in one spot. Her problems progressed to head tilt, REM eyes, not eating, drunken balance and difficulty eating. I started thinking that it was affecting both legs so it had to be something else besides the fatty tumor. All the symptoms are what she has and one should wait up to 72 hrs before seeing improvement or for testing. This Syndrome can take weeks for recovery - of course if it is just an inflammation of nerves or inner ear and not a brain tumor. She was not eating yesterday, but last evening she was eating and drinking from our hand. In order to go outside, I have a cloth LL Bean log carrier to put under her to guide her scared shaky body outside. I am told that dogs can learn to compensate and lead a normal life. I am praying this is temporary passing geriatric event. I had to sleep downstairs with her because she would somehow attempt(too dangerous) to get upstairs to be with me to sleep. She did get hit in the head by a rock one time by f***ing kids(don't let me get a hold them/probably same ones breaking windows in area & an elderly woman was hurt) in a truck which Sierra ended up in the emergency room - maybe this had some kind of haunting effect.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Melancholy apprehension ~ Sierra ~ Geriatric Dog
When I got home last last night, Sierra went to her food dish and almost fell over - caught by the wall. I took her out side and realize she could not walk on her leg with the big giant fatty tumor. Each step made her fall over to the other side and sometimes go to the ground. She did not wimper. Sierra knew she couldn't move, so I coaxed her to pee and we would come out later to poop. I had to help her to the house and made her lay down. Anxiety filled my head what if she needs to be put to LALA land! I have to go out of town this morning for work so I had anxiety galore. Do I call they vet to have her LALA'd off hours??? I wish her Vet came to the house. DO I cremate or take her body home? It would be much more relaxing for me and her. She is my side kick shadow & buddy at home. Then all of a sudden it disappeared and she was her usual self with the huge tumor. She was able to come to bed and come back downstairs. Zachary thinks she kinked something because she tries to get up really fast when I come home from work - like a bullet to the door.
I have to think more on what to do when we have to do it but so sad! She is really happy and active this morning. Flucky thingy last night!
This morning rubbing her back...
I have to think more on what to do when we have to do it but so sad! She is really happy and active this morning. Flucky thingy last night!
This morning rubbing her back...

Saturday, July 22, 2006
Bladder Colon Twistola Nervosis
Don't know if there is such a word...but for the next week it will be occuring in my body. Chris Scott called to organize the aid station setups - Oh no ~ no wonder woman Jen! I will be there Friday PM helping with Registration & Aid Station food along with my kids. I am scared to death because he has me going to three aid stations to setup and get the troops rallied during the Wilderness 101 held in Coburn. This is all fine and I am pumped. I want to do a good job but I need organization and maps, ideas are rifting through my brain - figure out where in Timbuktu -without getting lost. I hope TwistedUterus can help me out. I have to call or stop by for her ideas busy today - Kelsi's Birthday and riding to an auction outside of Laurelton. I know Dag wants station #5 and Kelsi will assist her. I know I will be there for a couple of hrs in the afternoon and then later to wind down #5. We need to supply these 101 mile riders with support, desires, and smiles! Wilderness101 & SM100 riders, & Chris Scott make my life tick.
The body functions are almost as bad as my first race. What if I have to pee or poop in the middle of no where!?
Happy 17th Birthday Kelsi ~ I Love You!
The body functions are almost as bad as my first race. What if I have to pee or poop in the middle of no where!?
Happy 17th Birthday Kelsi ~ I Love You!

Friday, July 21, 2006
Spay & Neuter ~ Crisis of Unwanted Animals
Please spay or neiter your pet. When friends & family get new pets, make sure they take the step early in a pet's life and be responsible. There are so many unwanted pets cause by human ignorance and no excuse!
Your pet is your companion to raise for it's lifetime with you and never think of it as a disposible commodity.
My pets will always have a spot of comfort and love at my house....
Please spay or neiter your pet. When friends & family get new pets, make sure they take the step early in a pet's life and be responsible. There are so many unwanted pets cause by human ignorance and no excuse!
Your pet is your companion to raise for it's lifetime with you and never think of it as a disposible commodity.
My pets will always have a spot of comfort and love at my house....

Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Why Coincidences in our lives?

Everyone has had a strange coincidence at some time in their lifetime. I have had so many lately. that it is errie. As far as I know there is no explanation. I think I should start keeping an area for them, because they fade from our memory bank, despite being absolutely strange and complex. Some are to the point of being more than a random chance when these happen.
Of this day in a brief note:
1. I was on my way to the gym, thinking if anything happened to my knees again I would be devastated and at wits end. Do not take my passions away....While on the BOSU ball, I did something no so out of ordinary - pain and catch. WTF....I had trouble lifting knee out of shower, into my car, sitting on the toilet was excruciating. Crap poo....then all of a sudden it disappeared after 2 hrs. It must have been a floater of some sort. Was this a test of a higher being?
2. K & I were out for a ride & I had mention to her that I told AK to stop by the house if he ever needed, ie flat tire or whatever while out for a ride. Suddenly, looked up and he was riding toward us and shouted a Hello.....Kelsi said who was that and I told her - she said that is weird because we were talking about him. First of all, this individual has crossed my path three times in the last couple of weeks and why-when I have never seen him before. I did come upon his myspace (I think) last year in some search. He rides for Bucknell and I hope he reaches for his dreams through cycling, AK seems like a really nice fella and hope to chat with him again. Are cyclist magnets to each other?
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Bats Bats Everywhere

We have been doing work to our house such as new doors, prepping for a new paint job and various other activities. I think we will need to take time out to make some bat houses. Over the years our property has been host to many colonies of bats. They are hanging everywhere - corners, eaves, chimmneys, foundation of the house and garage. Research for making multi chamber hotels for these creatures will be needed.
Friday, July 14, 2006
Maryland Crabs Anyone ?
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Primitive camping Old Mingle Rd
The Family went camping on top of Old Mingle Rd in the usual spot. It is so fine to sit around a camp fire and sit & eat.
Kelsi rescue from middle of road.

On Monday we went for a bike ride on Old Mingle to Coburn area. Al turned around because he knew he needed enough energy to get back up Old Mingle Rd.
The kids went to the Pavilion in Coburn - the last few miles will be a muddy coal mess for the Wilderness 101 if any additional soakings. I paused at Fisherman's Path 
to wait for the kids. No show so I ventured up the mountain.
The kids were covered in black mud. I had a wet sweat head from riding up Old Mingle. We had to go home to shower.
Kelsi rescue from middle of road.

On Monday we went for a bike ride on Old Mingle to Coburn area. Al turned around because he knew he needed enough energy to get back up Old Mingle Rd.

to wait for the kids. No show so I ventured up the mountain.

The kids were covered in black mud. I had a wet sweat head from riding up Old Mingle. We had to go home to shower.
Sunday Ride ~ Poe Paddy State Park & around
Bike stroll on the railroad grade Cherry Run

All bridges should look like this rather than steel monsters Poe Valley Rd

Dag & Kelsi in for a dip on one of the explore stops

Into the tunnel Poe Paddy Tunnel of vertigo - we had to manuever around tubers

The road to Poe Valley State Park

On Sunday, Dagny (check her blog)http://twisteduterus.livejournal.com, Kelsi, & I went on a jont from Union Co. to Centre Co. & around Poe Paddy State Park. We went & stopped here, there, where ever............. The tunnel is my worst fear. I think I get vertigo. It was a fine day!

All bridges should look like this rather than steel monsters Poe Valley Rd

Dag & Kelsi in for a dip on one of the explore stops

Into the tunnel Poe Paddy Tunnel of vertigo - we had to manuever around tubers

The road to Poe Valley State Park

On Sunday, Dagny (check her blog)http://twisteduterus.livejournal.com, Kelsi, & I went on a jont from Union Co. to Centre Co. & around Poe Paddy State Park. We went & stopped here, there, where ever............. The tunnel is my worst fear. I think I get vertigo. It was a fine day!
Saturday, July 8, 2006
Yard Sale Venture

Rode to Millmont yard sales to see what we could find. Some treasures were found but we had to wear our "finds" home.
I really do not want to do this Fencing demonstration tonight, but I am committed to the Master. I feel like being a lazy butt.
Ride tomorrow with Dag - where oh where shall we go? Neato...Ride the alleys of Mifflinburg? I wonder wonder...............
Saturday, July 1, 2006
Barn Fire Union County

On the way home from Northern PA, we came upon a barn fire, it was along Rt 45 West on the south side of the road just before Hartleton. I sure hope all the cows got out safely and no one was hurt. The large barn collapsed and the twisting metal sounded like the Titanic going down. There were several Fire Depts. such as West End, Mifflinburg, New Berlin, Middleburg & Evangelical Paramedics, that came from the East. There was other equipment blocking the road to the West, therefore we had to detour to the Creek Road. Hope all is okay
Dagny wrote about the aftermath since she was called to the scene http://twisteduterus.livejournal.com
MudFaery Wood at the Celtic Fling

Kelsi, Jeremy & I attended the Celtic Fling held at the PA Rennaissance Faire. Our Roby Roy Epee Tournament was cancelled because of the rain. There would be a high risk of electrocution because it was Electric Epee. So we ventured, it is really a neat place with all the vendors. The one that caught my eye every time I went by was The Mud Faery. She had a huge pile of red clay mud and she went to work. She left an impression on me because she was so inspiring. When she was finish she was making all kind of little chirpy, snurtling, suirrling sounds - she was hungry and so cute. Her wings got all muddy as she walked off with her pouch full of donations. A guy went up to her and ask, "Will you come to my house and do this artwork in my front yard?" She guides him to her scroll with the website - http://www.mudfaerywood.com/
Can you imagine? Have a huge party with all your friends, a bonfire, drinks, food, and The Mud Faery doing her sculptures in your yard. Everyone will be fixated on her. Cool!
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