“Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, champagne in one hand, strawberries in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and screaming ‘WOO-HOO, WHAT A RIDE’.” ~Anonymous~
Monday, October 22, 2007
Kids shouldn't play with matches!!!
Local Cyclist Injured

By Rob Scott The Daily Item MILTON -- A 22-year-old man suffered a severe spinal injury when he was struck by a car while riding his bicycle along Route 405 at 4:15 p.m. Sunday, authorities said. Adam Kahler, of Millmont, was riding his bike south near Robbins Marine in West Chillisquaque Township, Northumberland County, along with 19-year-old Jeffrey Salvitti and 21-year-old Michael Chauner, both of West Chester, when he was struck by Betty Hackenberg, 82, of Winfield, while she was driving south in her Chrysler Cirrus, according to state police at Milton. The collision forced Mr. Kahler's bike to strike Mr. Salvitti and Mr. Chauner, a report said.

Photo by Kevin Mertz/Standard Journal
Thursday, October 11, 2007

These lovely MENTAL hats caught our attention. Last weekend we decided we need some sort of bike helmet cover for the NYC 5 Boro ride or even the Fanny Brrr Polar Ride at the crack of 2008. There are MENTAL HATS which are ski or multi helmet covers. I really like the ones that you can bend different ways.
We made our way to the Headquarters of Mr Sticky for lunch and dessert. One of their sticky buns is a necessity at the local fairs where we live. The temptation was there to get a half dozen to take home. We were good and split ONE!
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Mood Thoughts
There are some really dumb people in this world...I EAT DUMB PEOPLE...stop & observe!
I often wonder how life would have been if.....
What do I want to be when I grow up?
Looking forward to whatever Twisteruterus has up her sleeve next week when her friends come to town.
I hope I don't break down at work like last month..I get beat to a piece of orange pulp.
I wish there was an endless stream of money so I could donate, volunteer, travel and do whatever my heart would desire on a given day.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Tour de Shunk Results Recap
This year we had another successful Tour de Shunk. The weather was sunny, light wind and a brisk temperature of 50 at the start, warming up to 61 in the afternoon. Great conditions for riding a bike. Every year I like to share some statistics about the ride with the participants and friends of the Tour de Shunk, they are as follows:
182 registered riders plus 6 registered no-shows
158 male riders, 24 female riders
Average male rider was 47 years old
Average female rider was 39 years old
Youngest rider was 12 and there were 3 of them. All 3 did 50 miles on BMX style bikes!
Oldest rider was Lance at 68, he did 100 miles. Lance was our second oldest rider a couple times in the past - he always seemed disappointed when I told him there was someone older - it goes to show that persistence pays off.
140 riders came from Pennsylvania. The other 42 riders came from NY, MA, RI, VA, DE, MD, NJ, IN, CT and TX.
The rider that traveled the farthest to ride was Charles from San Antonio, TX.
About 150 riders completed the full 100 miles.
We had a couple of bike breakdowns, one of note was the tandem bike ridden by John Proctor. Proctor's seat post tightening screw snapped. Proctor's breakdown occurred just outside the town of Proctor. Coincidence?
The first riders finished the 100 mile course in 5hr 13mins - this was Doug Carlson and another rider but I did not get his name.
Overall we collected $5,165 in registration fees and raised about $5,300 for the Lance Armstrong Foundation. My goal every year is to get enough sponsorship to cover the cost of the event so that all registration fees make it to the Lance Armstrong Foundation. I will update everyone later with the exact amount once I get all the expenses finalized and the donation made. Not bad for a Sunday ride in NE PA.
Thanks again to all the sponsors, volunteers, and of course the riders for making this a great day.
Greg White
Tour De Shunk Event Director
Endless Mountains Cycling Club
RR 2, Box 301 A-2
Mehoopany, PA 18629
Work Phone (570) 746-3000 x7378
Home Phone (570) 833-4261
Fax (570) 746-6349
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Tour de Shunk
Below, my kids Kelsi and Zachary finishing the 50 mile and 100 mile loops.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
2007 SM100
Photos by Karin & Zach (short video clip) & links to others are below.
Floyd assuming the roadie position.

Video by Z to Tillman Rd CP1
The kids were out on a rescue operation since late morning on top of Wolfe Ridge and made it back at 5PM. The EMTs took along Harlan's sister, John (Timing), my kids, Kelsi & Zachary to assist taking the flat board several miles to the road. Hope all is well with Tim.
New course records were set by both the 1st place men & women .Men
1 Jeff Schalk (Trek / VW) 7.06.13
1 Sue Haywood (Trek / VW) 8.12.36
As more info becomes available, such as results, I will post.
Results are up
Photos Bob Popovich!
CyclingNews - Recap & Photos!
Photos taken by me & my son Z. Gwadzilla tiddly wink rants on 9/3, 9/4, 9/5 - Cool urban cycling photos
Friday, August 17, 2007
Exploring Harry Johns area
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
AccuWeather Attention
Sunday, August 12, 2007
MTB ride over the hill & through the woods

Saturday, August 11, 2007
Lightning Strike Round Top Mountain Tornado Fulgurites
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Tornado slice

It was confirmed a tornado had touch down in the eastern part of Centre county just east of Woodward. Hundreds of trees were toppled down and some cabins damaged. It is a remote area but really close at 4.5 miles to us! Lots of storms form in this area at Centre/Union county borders. I did get a weird feeling for a few minutes. Oh found this: Article mentions a flaw in our government warning system.
Tuesday - West End Fair
I entered a few photos in the Fair contest and came out with one 3rd place winner. On the other hand Kels swept away with 1st places on all of her items & even got a Best in Show!!! Dag gained more prizes this year for her entries. There were many entries that were superb but one does not know how the judging is based because one asks, "Why didn't that one get a prize?" Shall I do scherenschnitte or a fraktur for next year? Or a grundgy, ugly, primitive doll - so many of them are cutesy! 1st Place Japanese Scarecrow
Wildermess 101 recap! I hope..............
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Wilderness 101 again....
Every year I feel like a Trekkie waiting for the new Star Trek movies to open at the local theatre. It's great to see riders hit station #5. They are either weary mentally wanting to go but physically the body says no or raging strong like a bull. Where was the Red Bull this year?
This year not too many photos were taken by me...check out Dag's ,Neil's dad BELOW link - Bob Popovich) and many others. Bob usually meets his son halfway at one of the PA races, but Neil was on his way to Canada this time. There was a local radio club at the aid stations for communications - came in handy several times! There was also local Emergeny personnel on site. Greg was the master set up & take down person and everything was smooth sailing. It is great to squeeze in a small hi to some of the riders I know and always a pleasure to see inspirational Chris and his family. Didn't get to say much to Kerry, plus I never got to ride the trail as suggested by her in Rothrock...some day! Shenandoah 100? Really missed Swampy,also Ray Adams & Nancy...are they practicing for their wedding? I see he got 2nd last weekend in a local Road race. Kels is trying to bum a ride back after the race so she can volunteer in VA and return for classes in the AM. Hmmmmm!
Here are some great recaps & excellent photos!
Cycling News
Kerry - IF
Bob's Photogallery
Wes Cheney Portfolio
Friday, July 27, 2007
Pittsburgh departure via Amtrak
On their way........ Trips are planned for them to see The Andy Warhol Museum & Carnegie Mellon Science Center.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
My knee has swollen again and I could hardly walk yesterday. I have to take two Aleve & one extra strength Tylenol to give me the same benefits of Celebrex. My stomach should go haywire in a couple of days!!! Today swelling has gone done a little so it can bend. There is a clunk click on the walking movement. Blah nah.........
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Ride to gather wood
I am a firm believer in the helmet. It's sad to see irresponsible adults allowing their kids to ride without one. It should be instilled in the child's mind from the time they get their first bike.
There were 4 recent deaths of children already this year in the area that did not have a bike helmet on:
1. Jersey Shore - Suzan Marie Frock-Walter, 11, May 16
2. Orangeville - Paul Troiani, 15, June 18
3. Williamsport - Damian McCartney, 12, June 26.
4. New Berlin - Garry Ivankin, 10, July 17 still under investigation.
Not to say a helmet would have saved them but one never knows. The driver of the deadly coffin is also the one who has to be aware on the road.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Good Ole Eagles Mere
The trail was absolutely "sweet" with a little bit of everything - single track, double track, fire road, technical, logs & wildlife. The lookout was a great reward to this little exploration of new trails.....thanks to mtb fella !!! It overlooks the Loyalsock Creek at Worlds End State Park. His kidos asked if we were going to the "rock garden" of rock outcrops 15ft high. I guess we will save that for another day because there are some waterfalls nearby also. We headed back up to Eagles Mere - oh beautiful...this will be great for a fall day and bring DAG along.
We got back to EM beach a little too late to play volleyball. Strike one up on Uncle Rob!!! He absolutely couldn't believe where we just rode our bikes. He even repeatedly asked in detail landmarks to make sure we were at the right outlook??? He said, "Man you guys must be in really good shape, that must be at least a 12 mile ride on a bike through the woods".
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Water on the Knee
Dr D (orthopaedic surdeon) walked in the room half bent over and mumbling, "Helllllllaahhhh". He proceeded to tell me he was really hurting after falling off his bike this morning. Poor fella...just wanted to do a little whining to me, which is fine anytime. Two male maneuvers in an intersection collide and pride will not allow one to get off and walk.
He jiggled my knee cap around, "whoa there is a lot of fluid". I needed an aspiration of the knee, injection of cortisone, & an injection of pain killer. The pain of the suction was not as bad as the Synvisc injections. I wonder if some of my Syvisc got sucked out??? No activity for 48 hrs - not even walking - elevate & ice. If not better in six weeks come back...otherwise cancel if all is well.....what a guy ahh!
Sunday, July 8, 2007
Oh yeah.....nice weekend
After we winded our way back down, we rode over to see the second RR tunnel and the idea for another ride someday. Our rounds ended with a generous individual container of homemade blueberry cobbler made by Dag...mmm
On Saturday I had to go north to get Kels who was staying at my mom's house. I strapped on my bike so I could show her the way to Wmspt
I hadn't done this in 25yrs and some areas have changed. Whew! Urban riding is so stressful to me. I showed her some places around town. Also, stopped in an ethnic clothing store and the gentleman behind the counter made a comment about our rugged bikes. He rides his bike to work at the store.
Man: You have some pretty aggressive bikes for jumping the curbs & pot holes. I really like to be out riding my bike around town.
K: Yes
Hesitantly because we have our mountain bikes.
Man: I am fine with my French racing bike.
It was an old vintage FreeSpirit from the late 70s.
K: It doesn't matter what you have. At least you are out riding.
Man: You really have to be careful out there. I fell and hurt my shin the other day. I never heard of your brand of bikes - Iron Horse & Gary Fisher. Never heard of that guy. So you rode all the way from Montoursville and have to go back now? Wow.
K: Yes, we thought we would ride into town so my daughter knew the way to ride here. We usually ride in the mountains.
Man: What? You mean.... (put his arms out like a mtbr hopping)Oh I would never make it out there. I would be dead.
K: I think if I had to ride in town like this I would be dead!
Two individuals different in color, lifestyles, bikes, riding familiarity and not knowing about the other side...share a bond and love for riding.
On the way home we explored Canfield Island near the Susquehanna River and enjoyed the paths. Took us away from Urbania for a moment!
I need to hit some trails....It has been some time!
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
The last couple of weeks were like whirlwinds. My daughter graduated from high school on Friday. She graduated as a "Honors Student".
We had a big party for her on Saturday and sooooo glad to see everyone! A variety of family & friends came from my cousin who lives in DC to a friend of my brother who became a friend of my daughter stayed until 11 PM. I knew Chris from VA could not make it but he still left a wonderful message on the phone for her at noon. We had a 1/4 keg of nonalchoholic Birch Beer for the kids. There was so much of a variety of food to stuff our faces. A few family members said our place was going to be the designated "party place".
Yesterday, I started my new responsibilities at work. My supervisor retired. He also acted as a go between or GM with corporate to answer questions for individuals. I got hit a few times already. Are people really so helpless?!! Our office lacks any HR or GM and my office is a target. The corner is looking good for my desk. I have been in training for 5 months and not sure if I can retain all there is to be done. I am half-a** (IT & facilities) moved at work which was to occur 3 weeks ago. Of course, I never got a raise to be doing my new responsibilities of someone making $15,000 plus more than me. Despite, I can say, "I have my own office".
I had to take a day off to attend K's college orientaion at Lyco today. Al will go solo tomorrow because I have too much work.
I had shot #3 of weekly series of Synvisc injections(injected directly into the knee joint to restore the cushioning and lubricating properties of normal joint fluid). I almost broke the needle off with a quick jerk because the needle hit the back of my kneecap. It hurt like a motherf*$#*&. Surgery is out of the question right now - I hope to buy a year of time. I told Dr D, if I can't ride then it was like the end of the world. The knee was not bending well to clip into the pedal. His comment was "keep on biking" - best exercise for you to do!!!
I feel really uneasy because I have not been able to get outside to ride. Only able to fit Spinning classes into the schedule. I snuck a ride in on Memorial Day. I had to turn Dag down on Sunday, which was really hard to do. I had way too much to do. The time will come.....!
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Cat Classic Race ~ One more time!
It is
(SS #1 winner). Thanks for the encouragement !
There was a team who was from Drexel U. next to us. This group despite their challenges were out for a load of barfing fun. One sported an old rigid Huffy with flat pedals.
Kelsi got 1st & only. I got 2nd in my small field. Zachary had a huge group of under 19 hormone boys.