This has been troubling for over a week and I guess I need to get it out. A dear friend of my daughter Kelsi, Ryan Daniels ended his life in front of an eighteen wheeler last week on Route 15. It really troubles me as to Why Oh Why! I really wish I could have given him a big awful hug! This young man would call Kelsi every month or so just to chat about anything from advice about girls to the vegan appetite. I can still hear his voice (it reminded me of a surfer dude)when Kelsi would pick up the phone and it always brought a smile to my face when I heard him, "Heeeeeeey Keeeelsi!". He was never afraid to leave a message on our phone for her to call him back. I sure to Hell hope those phone numbers(did not recognize)on my caller id list were not from him over the last several months. It is so gut wretching and sad because this young man had talent on a variety of topics. His obituary was really neato because it made you know him a little better. I will stick his life in my internal body pocket & carry it with me for the rest of my memory life. It will open up every now because the memory is with me forever.
Rest in Peace Ryan & May Your Voice Bring Music.
His Life Story in The Daily Item:
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