Sunday, February 17, 2008

Body stop hurting me!

My body has been hurting really bad and many issues for the last month. I usually do not say much and endure. I know some people have a little hurt and create a big issue. My DDD neck along with some other body parts are a constant daily issue and can't face the possible cure of multi level fixation. I had right Trapezius issue shooting through my chest for a couple of weeks which decided to trade spots with Mr Sacroiliac Joint . I need to clunk pop it but inflammation prevented it. I couldn't get up from a sitting position, put my pants on or get in the car and drive my standard shift without a tongue biting Aahwhwah and pull with the pant leg. My self diagnosis was confirmed along with face arthritis by my one of my OSs Tommy D, who allowed me to squeeze into his schedule, because he insisted I have it check out to make sure something else not going on. I did not want him to see my butt so I opted out of a "special" shot because there was gradual progress. He said, he has the same problem with his SI joint and Trochanteric Bursitis as does a trainer at the gym who also bikes. All part of being athletic? Ironic that biking relieves it but also causes it?? Going round and round! I asked if he could give me a work leave script to ride all day. Haha! I have also been feeling a bit light in the head and body. I am starting to wonder if it is anemia or low blood sugar. I really have been struggling in Spinning and Life this week. My neck gave me a new intensified pain yesterday, I think the little bit of disc I have is somehow inflammed or spewing oooze in unstable spaces. Just stop it!

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