Sunday, January 13, 2008

Williamsport to Hepburnville via Bikeway

After I put some dreaded OT in at work, I headed north to drop off Kelsi's tuned up bike at school. We decide to try the NW Williamsport bikeway . We did not go the standard route thru Wmspt. Last week there were 4 random shootings of people within a half hour outside (6 shot & 1 dead). Today, we were within a block or 2 of these occurrences and on the same st. We traveled down a notorious street for stabbings, shootings, beatings and abuse. Individuals are standing around the streets and corners. All I could think was to hammer as fast as possible from the stop sign. I justify and think they couldn't run after us because their pants would fall down. Thoughts of a moving biker gun target could put us down. I must say there were friendly hellos and driver OKs in this city. The righ along the Lycoming Creek had too many cross roads and was uneventful through the trailer dwellers. It is not something to just hop and go for a 15 mile ride - eastern section is better. Thoughts to venture to "THE LAND" next. Family owns the largest tract of land within the city limits and it is undeveloped. I am being bad and telling Kelsi we should blaze our own trails. Hmm my plan is Pussy Willow time so we can find them. Shh no one will know and we could escape the man who checks the No Trespassing land. This will require going through jungles again.

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