There is an effort to get a map feature on GoogleMaps of "safe" bicycle routes called GoogleMapsBikeThere.org . Article in DirtRag - great mag but I let my subscription expire.
Sign your name to The Petition for a possible feature to Google Maps. It would be great if it shows "safe routes" or warnings. GoogleMaps can contain incorrect auto travel destination routes.
My concern is that Pennsylvania has designated BicyclePA Routes with signs along rural routes but are dangerous through Central PA.
There are many miles of no berms around tight curves in which speeding vehicles & inconsiderate tractor trailers avoiding Interstate 80. Initiation by PennDOT should be orderd to make these areas safe for cyclists with berm consideration (often neglected - resurface roads with drop offs and a few inches of cinders) before signs are plastered up. Also, awareness needs to start with driver education in which one needs to pass a section geared towards awareness for cyclists, walkers or other road sharing factors. Aren't we suppose to try and live healthy lifestyles and seek alternative forms of transportation when possible - government contradiction!? Could this inspire "others" online to get on a bike for exercise or raise awareness?

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