Montoursville Holiday Family Gathering - We met at my mom's and caravaned full tilt with gifts and drinks galore because we had reservations at an eatery in Muncy before going to Kyle's house. As I was driving up Fairfield Rd to get on the beltway, something went curclunk and dead power, so I pulled off the road. My one brothers called to say "hurry up" because he was going 50 in a 65. My other brother backed down the ramp and my mom was behind us. Crapola the timing belt was off and suspect a pulley to have broken off. There was four of us and car full of junk. I guess I have to take matters in my hand and call AAA - at least I have a crowd of people around my vehicle. We couldn't have been more fortunate with daylight, decent weather, other people to provide transport shuttle to go to our meal,

vehicle left for Al so he had trans after car was towed, and a wonderful Saturday local tow truck man Bieber who went to another call then worked on our car so we would have it by dark...Wahooo and still enjoy opening gifts without worrying! Things couldn't have worked out better! This is one great Christmas gift!

This is my neice Kira in her Bumbo Baby Sitter - Leave her and the Bumbo chair will take care of her!:)

This is my neice Kasidy with her evil doll with malfunctioning eyes that open & close randomly and makes her cry because it doesn't work for her.